Israeli strikes killed 22 people and injured more than 100 in central Beirut on Thursday, Lebanese authorities said, as a senior Hezbollah official evaded an Israeli assassination attempt in the city, ...
Florida's sun and low taxes enticed         many hedge funds and other financial professionals to move         south. Now another massive hurricane is putting that love affair         to the test, but ...
President Joe         Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris traveled on Wednesday to         South Carolina, North Carolina and Georgia to assess the         devastation wrought by Hurricane Helene ...
U.S. prosecutors said         Donald Trump was acting outside the scope of his duties as         president when he pressured state officials and then-Vice         President Mike Pence to try to ...
Israel said it bombed Houthi targets in Yemen on Sunday and mounted further airstrikes in Lebanon, expanding its confrontation with Iran's allies in the region two days after killing the ...
Pope Francis met Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy at the Vatican on Friday morning for their second face-to-face encounter in four months.                  The pope and the Ukrainian leader, wh ...
在北京, 外交部表示, 美國日前再次向台灣提供大額武器援助, 嚴重違反一個中國原則和中美三個聯合公報, 嚴重干涉中國內政, 並損害中國主權和領土完整, 中方依法向涉事的美國軍工企業及高級管理人員, 採取反制措施.         外交部指, 「台獨」與台海和平水火不容, 賴清德當局「以武拒統」是螳臂擋車, 買再多武器都阻擋不到中國必然統一的歷史大勢, 而美方執意「以武助獨」, 只會將台灣推向兵凶戰 ...
今年的諾貝爾和平獎由日本原爆受害者團體協議會 (Nihon Hidankyo)獲得, 以表揚組織致力推動建立無核武世界. 組織將獲1100萬瑞典克朗, 折合約825萬港元.
為日版「多啦A夢」主角多啦A夢配音的配音員大山羨代去世, 享年90歲. 她的經理人公司發訃聞表示, 大山羨代於9月29日因年老離世, 葬禮早前舉行.         大山羨代自1979年起為 「多啦A夢」配音, 直到2005年退休交棒, 2015年確診患有阿茲海默症.
警方接報, 指有人假冒濾水器公司職員, 上門誘騙獨居長者可獲政府資助購買並安裝濾水器. 經過調查後, 警方拘捕兩名本地男子, 分別38及65歲. 他們涉嫌「以欺騙手段取得財產」, 正被警方扣留調查.         警方表示, 目前發現最少50宗同類案件, 騙款達17萬元, 不排除涉及更加多案件.         警方指, 38歲主謀負責假扮濾水器公司職員, 到全港公屋屋邨去游說獨居長者, 聲稱政 ...
Two militants involved in the 2021 attack that killed nine Chinese engineers were shot and killed in a shootout in a central Pakistani district on Friday, counter-terrorism officials said.
Turkey has imposed anti-dumping duties on some steel imports from China, Russia, India and Japan, according to a decision published in the Official Gazette on Friday, with the highest tariffs on Chine ...