"Thank you to President Erdogan for always expressing his good will to always visit our country," Vučić said at the beginning ...
The photo of the "Air Serbia" plane taking off from the airport moments after the attack on Beirut went viral, and now the ...
The photo of the "Air Serbia" plane taking off from the airport moments after the attack on Beirut went viral, and now the ...
Russian forces managed to make a move southeast of Pokrovsk, thus continuing operations to the east and southeast of this ...
Volodymyr Zelensky is probably disappointed. The meeting of the countries that support Ukraine, which was supposed to take ...
The head of the United Nations peacekeeping missions, Jean-Pierre Lacroix, stated before the UN Security Council that the ...
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is visiting Belgrade today, where he will be hosted by Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić.
Uprkos sankcijama, nemački industrijski proizvodi i dalje dospevaju u Rusiju. Tokom 2023. isporučeno je više od 300 mašina ...
Nepoznate naoružane osobe ubile su 21 rudara i ranile još šest na jugoistoku Pakistana u nemirnoj provinciji Beludžistan, na ...
Trener Studentskog centra Petar Mijović je izneo očekivanja pred duel sa Partizanom u "Morači" u meču četvrtog kola ABA lige.
Današnja sednica Saveta za odbranu i bezbednost Crne Gore prekinuta i biće na pauzi do daljeg, a nastaviće se kada to dozvole ...