Chief Executive John Lee expresses his profound sorrow over the passing of former Chairman of the Standing Committee of the ...
Chief Secretary Chan Kwok-ki today officiated at the inaugural Family & Women Development Summit Hong Kong. Themed “Women’s ...
The Financial Services & the Treasury Bureau and Bloomberg L.P. establish the Hong Kong Family Office Nexus, a strategic ...
The Government announces the official naming of Hong Kong's first Chinese medicine hospital as The Chinese Medicine Hospital ...
The Home & Youth Affairs Bureau announces the launch of the Maintenance Mediation Pilot Scheme to assist the parties ...
The Food & Environmental Hygiene Department will auction stalls at next year’s Lunar New Year fairs from October 22.
The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government and the Ministry of Commerce sign a new agreement to facilitate trade in services, allowing greater participation of the Hong Kong business ...
財經事務及庫務局與彭博有限合夥企業推行策略性合作計劃「香港家辦匯」,旨在吸引環球家族辦公室在香港設立或擴展業務,鞏固香港作為全球領先資產及財富管理樞紐的地位。 是次合作將聚焦 四大範疇 ...
民政及青年事務局今日公布透過關愛基金推出為期三年的贍養費調解試行計劃,資助非政府機構為合資格的有需要人士提供與贍養費相關的調解服務,為當事人提供一個法律程序以外的選項。 只要涉及贍養費爭議的任何一方為香港居民並符合入息限額,雙方均可參與計劃,費用全免 ...